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Ectopic expression of wheat TaCIPK14,encoding a calcineurin B-like protein-interacting protein kinase,confers salinity and cold tolerance in tobacco

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-08-02

Ectopic expression of wheat TaCIPK14, encoding a calcineurin B-like protein-interacting proteinkinase, confers salinity and cold tolerance in tobacco.

Deng X1, Zhou S, Hu W, Feng J, Zhang F, Chen L, Huang C, Luo Q, He Y, Yang G, He G.


Calcineurin B-like protein-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) are components of Ca(2+) signaling in responses to abiotic stresses. In this work, the full-length cDNA of a novel CIPK gene (TaCIPK14) was isolated from wheat and was found to have significant sequence similarity to OsCIPK14/15. Subcellular localization assay revealed the presence of TaCIPK14 throughout the cell. qRT-PCR analysis showed that TaCIPK14 was upregulated under cold conditions or when treated with salt, PEG or exogenous stresses related signaling molecules including ABA, ethylene and H2 O2 . Transgenic tobaccos overexpressing TaCIPK14 exhibited higher contents of chlorophyll and sugar, higher catalase activity, while decreased amounts of H2 O2 and malondialdehyde, and lesser ion leakage under cold and salt stresses. In addition, overexpression also increased seed germination rate, root elongation and decreased Na(+) content in the transgenic lines under salt stress. Higher expression of stress-related genes was observed in lines overexpressing TaCIPK14 compared to controls under stress conditions. In summary, these results suggested that TaCIPK14 is an abiotic stress-responsive gene in plants.



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