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Tannins Improve Dough Mixing Properties through Affecting Physicochemical and Structural Properties of Wheat Gluten Proteins

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-08-02

Tannins improve dough mixing properties through affecting physicochemical and structural properties of wheat gluten proteins

Qiong Wang, Yin Li, Fusheng Sun, Xiaoyan Li, Pandi Wang, Jiutong Sun, Jian Zeng, Cheng Wang, Wei Hu, Junli Chang, Mingjie Chen, Yuesheng Wang, Kexiu Li, Guang xiaoYang, Guangyuan He.

Abstract: The quality of wheat flour is largely determined by the properties of gluten proteins. Chemical components that influence gluten proteins are used as flour improvers in the flour industry. In this study, tannins which are natural occurring polyphenols were found to improve dough mixing properties. The effects of tannins on the physicochemical and structural properties of gluten proteins were examined, and the results showed that tannins promoted the non-covalent interactions among gluten proteins, although they induced SH/SS interchange reactions in the dough. The β-turn and α-helix conformations were increased, whereas the β-sheet conformation was decreased in dough containing tannins as detected by FTIR. Moreover, the addition of tannins promoted the aggregation of gluten proteins, modified the microstructure of gluten networks, and improved the mixing properties. The positive effects of tannins on dough properties implied the potential of tannins as a new flour improver.

Link: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0963996914007820/1-s2.0-S0963996914007820-main.pdf?_tid=b9c5b0b8-c2f2-11e7-9909-00000aab0f6b&acdnat=1509973521_294e92a2aab11aee34b4ad93139c196f

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.12.012


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