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PDBlocal: A web-based tool for local inspection of biological macromolecular 3D structures

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-18

PDBlocal: A web-based tool for local inspection of biological macromolecular 3D structures

Pan Wang, Guangxiao Yang and Guangyuan He

AbstractFunctional research on biological macromolecules must focus on speci¯c local regions. PDBlocal is aweb-based tool developed to overcome the limitations of traditional molecular visualization tools for three-dimensional (3D) inspection of local regions. PDBlocal provides an intuitive and easy-tomanipulate web page interface and some new useful functions. It can keep local regions °ashing, display sequence text that is dynamically consistent with the 3D structure in local appearance under

multiple local manipulations, use two scenes to help users inspect the same local region with di®erent statuses, list all historical manipulation statuses with a tree structure, allow users to annotate regions of interest, and save all historical statuses and other data to a web server for future

research. PDBlocal has met expectations and shown satisfactory performance for both expert and novice users. This tool is available at http://labsystem.scuec.edu.cn/pdblocal/.



DOI: 10.1142/S1793545818500025

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