Functional Characterization of TaFUSCA3, a B3-Superfamily Transcription Factor Gene in the WheatFusheng Sun, Xiyan Liu, Qiuhui Wei, Jiannan Liu, Tianxiang Yang, Liyang Jia, Yuesheng Wang, Guangxiao Yang,* and Guangyuan He*AbstractThe end-use quality of wheat, including its unique rheology and viscoelastic properties, is predominantly determined by the composition and concentration of gluten pro...
Effect of the phytate and hydrogen peroxide chemical modifications on the physicochemical and functional properties of wheat starch.Sun F , Liu J , Liu X , Wang Y , Li K , Chang J,Yang G , He G AbstractTo investigate the characteristics of chemically modified wheat starch, such as oxidized (OWS), cross-linked (CLWS) and dual-modified wheat starches, cross-linked oxidized (COWS) and oxidized cro...
Overview of the Wheat Genetic Transformation and Breeding Status in ChinaJiapeng Han;Xiaofen Yu; Junli Chang; GuangXiao Yang;Guangyuan HeAbstract:In the past two decades, Chinese scientists have achieved significant progress on three aspects of wheat genetic transformation. First, the wheat transformation platform has been established and optimized to improve the transformation efficiency,...
A Wheat R2R3-type MYB Transcription Factor TaODORANT1 Positively Regulates Drought and Salt Stress Responses in Transgenic Tobacco PlantsQiuhui Wei, Qingchen Luo, Ruibin Wang, Fan Zhang, Yuan He, Yang Zhang, Ding Qiu, Kexiu Li, Junli Chang, Guangxiao Yang,* and Guangyuan He*AbstractMYB transcription factors play important roles in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress. In this study, TaO...
中英联合实验室 风雨兼程十八年华中科技大学中英联合实验室成立十八周年暨校友返校纪念活动(通讯员:周钰 王睿斌 )2018年3月3日,连绵的阴雨天终于迎来一个难得阳光明媚的日子,华中科技大学生命学院八楼中英联合实验室里人影攒动,喜气盈门,充满了激动与喜悦、欢声和笑语。五十多位中英联合实验室校友从全国各地返回母校,返回求学圣地,与实验室全体师生一道,见证历史,畅叙情谊,追忆往昔,寄望未来。实验室师生欢聚一堂...
报告题目:揭秘转基因主讲人:杨广笑时间:2017年11月3日,下午2:00地点:东12-F301个人简介:杨广笑, 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师。长期从事生物化学与分子生物学、植物基因工程的研究与教学工作,先后主持国家转基因重大专项、国家自然科学基金等科研项目,发表SCI论文70余篇。报告题目:从安全评价的视野科学看待转基因主讲人:邱龙时间:2017年11月3日,下午3:30地点:东12-F301个人简介:邱龙博士,武...